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New feature: Typography !

July 2024

Change the default font (Roboto) to any font available on Google Fonts (over 1000 options) πŸš€

This includes very popular fonts such as Poppins, Lato, Montserrat, Raleway, Ubuntu, Fira, and more πŸ‘

This allows you to customize your application with a style that is more serious, refined, bold, or even more fun πŸ‘

New component: Chat !

June 2024

The new Chat component allows message exchange between 2 users, who must be authenticated πŸš€

Zyllio makes your life easy by providing a ready-to-use table. Moreover, we have written a comprehensive tutorial Chat Tutorial Chat tutorial πŸ‘

New component: Markdown !

June 2024

The Markdown component enables the display of content generated by ChatGPT or any other hierarchical text with clear and structured formatting πŸš€

It is perfect for easily integrating formatted text, lists, links, and other typographic elements into your applications πŸ‘

2 new components !

May 2024

The Icon component displays an icon (among 700+ icons) and optional text πŸš€

The Link Button component displays a button like a link used for secondary actions πŸ‘

New screen templates !

May 2024

All screen models have been thoroughly revised: much more modern and professional πŸš€

New screen models include Update Account, Change Password, and the Login/Sign up combo πŸ‘

All these models are compatible with Themes

New feature: Analytics !

April 2024

Unlock powerful insights with Mobile App Analytics feature.

Track your app's overall performance with visit counts and visits by device type to enhance your marketing strategies and user experience πŸ‘

New feature: Offline !

March 2024

The first version supports static features: navigating, consulting lists, viewing details, etc. Data updates will be supported a bit later.

Mobile phones can support up to 1 GB of data per app, which allows for storing tens of thousands of lines of data, thousands of images, and videos πŸ‘

New component: MP4 Video !

March 2024

This component displays MP4 videos in place, fullscreen or Picture in Picture πŸ‘

New component: Bulleted List !

February 2024

This component lists each line of a text as bullet points πŸ‘
  • Either an icon of your choice
  • Or a number

New Development Kit: V2 !

February 2024

Your application requires specific components, actions or formula : use the next generation development kit (SDK) to develop Plugins πŸ‘

You are developer, develop plugins for others πŸ‘Œ

Check this project out Zyllio SDK on GitHub

New component: Chart !

January 2024

It allows to display your data in the form of lines, bars, donuts, radar, and pie. πŸ‘

As a bonus gift, it supports filter, sorting and 2 data series πŸ‘

New component: Signature !

January 2024

Allows users to draw a signature with their fingere. Display or store the signature in to tables πŸ‘

New integration: Dall.E !

December 2023

Use DALL.E to generate images from prompts πŸ‘

We recommend Formulas to build your prompts based on variables (selections, form fields, ...)

New integration: ChatGPT !

December 2023

Use ChatGPT to generate texts from prompts πŸ‘

We recommend Formulas to build your prompts based on variables (selections, form fields, ...)

Zapier integration finalized !

December 2023

Zyllio is finally Zapier partner and is available to everyone πŸ‘

New column types and components: Select options !

November 2023

It all begins with a new column type, 'options,' which allows you to specify that the column takes its values from a selection of fixed options like colors, sizes, genders, ...πŸš€

Next, in the screen editor, we have two new components:
  • Display options: to display the selected options as pills
  • Choose option: to display an option selector
It's worth noting that the Choose Option component can take values from a column of type 'options,' but not only that - options can be specified as texts separated by commas directly in the component or through a formula πŸ‘

New component: Post !

November 2023

It is a Facebook like component to display news from any tables (Zyllio, TimeTonic and Airtable) πŸ‘

  • Displays title, subtitle, image and long description
  • Supports Filter and Sorting
  • Supports multiple image layouts

New component Slider !

October 2023

Use Sliders to select numbers accurately such as dimensions, distances, durations, quantities... πŸš€

It supports minimum, maximum and step values πŸ‘

New integration TimeTonic !

September 2023

Use TimeTonic as a performant database, rich automation and IA powered processes πŸš€

Zyllio supports all TimeTonic column types including table relations πŸ‘

Test it using TIMETONIC promotion codeπŸ‘Œ

New integration Airtable !

September 2023

Create amazing mobile apps using your existing Airtable databases πŸš€

Zyllio supports all Airtable column types including table relations πŸ‘

In addition, it is available in free plan πŸ‘Œ

New integration GMail !

August 2023

Send emails from your Zyllio apps πŸš€

Connect your GMail account and send emails to your users πŸ‘Œ

New component: Embed !

August 2023

New component available : Embed ! πŸš€

Useful to embed:
  • Forms: Formstack / Tally / Typeform
  • Media contents: Maps, Youtube, Vimeo, Twitch
  • Feeds: Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

50% Off this summer

Jul 2023

Take advantage of this summer to create your app. with all advanced features πŸš€

Use this coupon for a 50% discount on all plans πŸ‘Œ

Barcode and QR Code Scan

Jun 2023

The Barcode and QR Code Scan component is now available πŸš€.

Very useful for scanning:
  • Products (books, etc.) for inventory
  • Food items for tracking nutrition
  • Electronic tickets
  • Loyalty cards

Mobile apps get translated !

Jun 2023

Zyllio mobile apps get translated into 7 languages πŸ‘
  • English
  • French
  • Arabic
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese

New hosting in France !

May 2023

www.zyllio.one hosted in France with OVH, is fully operational and the app templates are also accessible πŸ‘

If you wish, we can transfer your app from zyllio.com to zyllio.one. The two apps will be independent and can be published separately

Push notifications !

March 2023

Zyllio can send push notifications to users to notify updates: order status update, new message, appointment change ...

Push Notifications works even if the app is not running πŸ‘

New Studio User Experience

Febrary 2023

Here is the new Studio user experience based on your feedback: more user friendly, more colors and simpler πŸ‘

New template: Quiz

December 2022

Here is a brand new template today: Quiz ❓

Useful to assess your community knowledge πŸ‘

Twilio SMS and Whatsapp !

October 2022

Configure Twilio and use Twilio actions to send SMS and Whatsapp messages πŸ‘

4 new components !

October 2022

4 new components in a row πŸ‘
  • Like
  • Follow
  • Favorite

And the File Picker component, a must have to attach documents (like PDF)

New components, actions, formulas !

October 2022

Look at how Zyllio evolved the last few weeks πŸ‘
5 components, 6 actions and 6 formulas

New pricing published !

October 2022

What's new? : unlimited apps on all plans, personal training
and very competitive prices πŸ‘

New template: MovieTek !

Septembre 2022

MovieTek allows to keep track of your best movies, great starting point to manage evaluable assets πŸ‘

It uses these new features
  • Rating component
  • Progress component

New template: Tasky !

Septembre 2022

New app template available called Tasky: projects and tasks management app πŸ‘

It uses these new features
  • Progress and Statistic components
  • RowCount formula
  • GoToScreen action

New component: Rating !

Septembre 2022

Rating component allows users to select rating numbers from 1 to 8. Icon, Color, number of items are customizable πŸ‘

Zyllio v4 is out !

August 2022

Zyllio team is thrilled to announce Zyllio v4 with many new features πŸ‘

New dashboard, new responsive engine, new components, ... everything you need to build confidently mobile apps πŸš€

In addition, we are releasing Zyllio SDK (Development Kit) supporting custom Components, Actions, Formulas and Themes πŸ‘

New dashboard 🏠

August 2022

The new dashboard gives access to main features in one place in a more consistent way
  • Your apps
  • Apps shared with you
  • Tutorials
  • Documentation
  • Support
  • Contact
Have you noticed apps are displayed like a mobile app home screen ?

Very soon, new features like Published apps and Analytics will be included

Responsive Design Engine πŸ“±

August 2022

Our development team has introduced one of the most ambitious enhancement in Zyllio engine: Responsive Design (in replacement of Absolute postions)

It solved layout limitations and makes the user experience a lot simpler. So users don't need to position, define margins and resize components

Drop your component and reorder it on screens is enough

And thus it enables new possibilities: infinite lists, hide/show components on conditions, adaptive heights...

New components πŸ”€

August 2022

We are releasing new components on regular basis. Zyllio v4 ships with new components:
  • Multiline text fields: useful to collect large piece of texts like comments or descriptions
  • Audio component: build a library of sounds and play sound files like mp3, wav, ogg ...
  • Footer component: support an additional button to execute actions and transition to other screens

Enhanced Themes 🎨

August 2022

We've been investing on new apps templates that require new colors

In addition to Primary and secondary colors, we've added Tertiary color which are used to highlight input fields for example

Please note you can build your own theme within a Zyllio Plugin (see below)

Plugins 🧩

August 2022

We enhanced Zyllio Development Kit as per your feedback, and then released Zyllio SDK 1.0.0 two weeks ago

Zyllio Plugins allow developers to enrich your apps with new custom components, actions and formulas

You are developper check out Zyllio SDK on GitHub

Experiment and fork our 8 open source plugins available on GitHub:
  • Progress Bar Component
  • Ionic Slider Component
  • Rating Component
  • Angular Counter Component
  • ReactJS Chart Component
  • VueJS Counter Component
  • Meme Generator Action
  • Custom Theme

Zyllio v3 is out !

April 2022

Zyllio team is thrilled to announce Zyllio v3 with countless new features πŸ‘

Many new components, actions and formulas available now to build any type of mobile apps πŸš€

In addition, we made performance enhancements : publication of apps has been reduced to few seconds πŸ‘

Maps, Markers and Geolocation πŸ—ΊοΈ

April 2022

Use the new Map component to display your data within a map using one of your column: city, country, address, coordinates.

The user swipes to focus on any item or navigates/zooms through the map

Zyllio does not charge additional fees for using Map Components

Calendar and Events πŸ“…

April 2022

Use the new Calendar component to display events: meetings, sessions, appointments, ...

The component supports Week / Month view modes and filtering

Allow users to book any available timeslots defined in your tables

Plugins 🧩

April 2022

Zyllio Plugins allow developers to enrich your apps with new custom components, actions and formulas

You are developper check out Zyllio SDK on GitHub

12 new tutorials πŸ“™

April 2022

We are investing on educational contents, 12 tutorials are available on Youtube here.

More tutorials are coming soon... Looking forward to support you building great apps !

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